Cyclone abrasive blast cabinets are designed for cleaning and finishing with dry blast materials such as glass beads, aluminum oxide, blasting garnet. walnut shells, silicon carbide and sands. The system is sealed at all openings, such window. The blast system will produce several different finishes, depending on the type of blasting material and the air pressure used.
WARNING!! Abrasive blast cabinets produce a powerful flow of abrasive particles. To avoid personal injury and.or property damage, read this manual thoroughly before operating the blast cabinet.
It is suggested this manual is kept foe reference od blaster model number and replacement parts listing.
This blast cabinet is set up for use with DRY Abrasive Materials ONLY!
Precautionary Check List
- Always close cabinet doors before blasting.
- Make sure all air connections are secure.
- Do Not Operate Over120 PSI.
- Use lower air pressure to clean soft materials and delicate parts.
- Always keep the blast stream moving in a circular or horizontal motion. Any blast concentrated in one area will result in pitting and uneven blast surfaces.
- Do NOT USE STEEL SHOT IN THIS BLAST CABINET! This cabinet is not designed for or set up for steel shot. Use of steel shot in this blast unit will void the warranty and possibly injury the operator!
- Do NOT USE LIQUID OF ANY KIND IN THIS BLAST CABINET! Liquids will cause the blast media to clump up and not flow through the hoses properly. Use of any liquids will void the warranty and could cause damage to the cabinet!
How To Assemble Blast Cabinet
1 - Open cabinet, reach in and screw two max 70 watt rough service lamp into sockets located just inside the cabinet.
2 - install the dust collection system according to manufacturers directions. The dust system hose will fit into the 2 1/4" hole found on the upper left hand side of blast unit. It just slides in-to holding device. Plug cabinet into a grounded outlet. The blast cabinet has a 3 pronged grounded plug to guard against electric shock.If any extension cords are used, be sure they are in good condition
3 - Attach air fitting and air supply to the 1/2" fitting behind the safety ball valve.
4 - Pour blast media through the metal screen on the inside of cabinet into the blast hopper. We suggest 10-25 lbs. of blast material. Overfilling will create problems with the material properly flowing to the gun system.
5 - Place part to be blasted on metal grate.
6 - Turn switch on, this will activate the light & dust collector.
7 - Depress foot pedal to activate the blasting gun. Keep the blast spray pattern moving across your part for best results.
Trouble Shooting
Excessive Dust
Dust collection system failing Too much blasting material Blasting material worn
Clean out canister and/or replace filters. Remove excess material Replace with new material
Too much blasting material
Remove excess material
Inadequate Blast
Blast material worn Gun parts worn Blast material worn Too much air
Replace with new material Replace with new nozzle & orifice Replace with new material Regulate air to 80-100 psi
Change in humidity faulty ground wiring
Stand on cardboard.rubber mat Install staic electric band. Check electrical wiring Get lined gloves
Unit Won't Blast
Excessively worn gun parts.
Replace parts and be sure they are in the proper place.