Automobiles have a lot of areas that require extremely tight or true tolerances and checking for true flatness is necessary for things like cylinder heads, engine blocks, intake decks, and bearing surfaces. Using your eyeball or an old carpenters level isn’t the best choice if you want a good reading. […]
Dent Repair
When Do you Use Glazing Putty?
No matter how good you are at body work you will run into pin holes, sand scratches, and imperfections that pop up just before you begin laying primer on a project. There are many assumptions that are made that glazing putty isn’t important when preparing a car for paint. We decided to list our top uses for glazing putty when painting a car at home.
How to Repair Rust on Your Car Without Welding
Rust repair is probably one of the most daunting tasks there is in the automotive world. Most of the world would rather do the ice bucket challenge everyday for a year before fixing rust on their old jalopy. There’s definitely a time and place to repair an area to a concours level but that work isn’t always justified or maybe talent just runs out and you’re stuck with how to repair the rust as simple as possible. If you aren’t doing a 100 point restoration and just want to do an easy repair that WILL last follow the steps below.