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Eastwood and Popular Hotrodding Magazine team up!

Recently Johnny Hunkins from Popular Hotrodding Magazine contacted us about his killer ’68 Chevy Nova project he has been working on since late ’09. Along the way he has been teaming up with some of the best companies in the industry to restore his car to “better than new” condition. The documentation has been great, and he really has done a great job of detailing how each step went. This makes it a lot easier for DIY guys like you and I to get up the guts to tackle similar jobs ourselves!


Now that it has come time to tackle the paint and body work, he has turned to us here at Eastwood, and we have been brainstorming everything he will need along the way. It seems Johnny is leaning towards our Malibu Sunset Metallic Orange to really make the Nova project “Pop!” in the sunlight. We can’t wait to see what Johnny has in store, and we’ll update as he leaks out the details!

For Johnny’s writeup check out his latest entry HERE

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