Congratulations to the winner of Eastwood’s Caption It – Randall R. for his winning caption :
We’ve all heard horror stories about getting a car worked on…….This image reminded us of some of those stories. Add your best caption to this photo by adding a comment. Eastwood’s President will choose a winner of an iPod Touch 16G, based off of the comments received by Wednesday, January 20, 2010.
Full rules can be read here.
Darn I missed the contest! Congrats to the winner!
They put the fuel sending unite where the oil pump suppose to be and it worked just fine, the car was driven everyday for 7 year, Go finger!
What is the fuel pump doing in the radiator?
According to this thing your out of blinker fluid!
where did I put that ducktape?
Could this be a vehicular equivalent to hardening of the arteries?
I think I broke it!
I wish I had a fishing lure this awesome!
I was only trying to recharge my ipod!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was left over.
I’m not sure if this thingamajig – whatdoyoucallit is your problem. Better call Eastwood instead.
As this was coming out all I could think of was “A L I E N”.
I don’t know my own strength
Just as I thought. It is the Flux capicator.
“…yeah, I think I’ve got an iPhone app about what this thing does, not a problem sir.”
Well, the instructions come in German, French, Spanish, Russian, Madrarin, Swahili, and Tagalag. Unfortuantely, I think I got two pages stuck together, and instead of English, I got the Swahili and Tagalag. I think you’d better contact the United Nations for a second opinion.
I don’t need no stinkin’ instructions!
I’m not too sure but I think this is what they call a schematic…
Would you help me plug this in the back of my head. I can handle the rest. I’m going to give your car the “mind meld” and get you fixed up straight away.
I sure hope Eastwood has a kit to install this!
Man i knew i should have used Eastwood, my wife is gona kill me!
With Eastwood we actually know where the parts belong.
Gee Barney, I coulda sworn I fixed it.
Does this look important to you? maybe?
I’m gonna have to start over. This was supposed to go in FIRST.
Jake, (may be the Best shade tree mechanic in town but..) “I can’t find a carburetor, nor a distributor on this thing. There’s not even this much wiring in my old ’57. What do I do now?” CALL EASTWOOD!!
It’s days like this,, that make me glad “I’m a Eastwwood Man.”
I’ll install this if you want me to, but it will cost you extra.
umm I forget
This little “Wingy Dingy” is defective, but for a mere $1500.00 I can replace it.
Honey, I swear to you I have never seen this strappy little Italian number before in my life! I only ever drive American-made cars!
Next time buy an Eastwood part,it will save you lots of
As tempting as it may be, never pull on a loose string.
What do I do with Optimus Prime’s appendix ?
Geeze! This here little critter was a bear to get…but I got the darn thing!
Conan O’Brien’s new job!!
Well, technically it’s only used if you can’t find the box.
and I thought NOS meant New Only Slightly…
Yer car seems to be infested with them thar camel spiders or, uh…sumthin’r other.
Wow! That came out easy. I wonder if they will notice…
Look it’s another doo-hickey. Guess they should have called Eastwood.
hhhmmmm…..maybe I should have listened to my mother and had become a doctor?
This is the third one this week…these car tarantulas are really hitting us hard this year…
Bunch of monkies work here.
” Yeah, and I invented the car””
Ooooooohhhh this is the problem right here. This is going to cost a lot more to fix…
You should be PROUD — you’re the first one of the last twelve mechanics to suspect THAT wasn’t supposed to be in there.
So THAT’S what a framistat looks like…
Hi !!
I is a gadgiot of
Wyatac Ingine fixin’ school
We’re gonna need some 30 weight motor oil and some ball bearings…C’mon guys it’s all ball bearings these days.
I believe your story about being abducted by aliens, but I don’t think this is proof of alien technology
Your guess is as good as his
Boss , after i put the Motor back in i found this extra thingy !
This is all that came out – I think the rest of it is still in the tank.
Not sure, but I think you better call a plumber.
I’m really sorry Miss but your gonna have to figure out another way to get to work today.
What was it again? The leg bone’s connected to the knee bone, the knee bone’s connected to the shin bone, but what the heck does this connect to?
Hey Clint! I think this belongs in your Grand Torino!
“ASE” Certified – “A”nother “S”pontaneous “E”xtraction
“Stand back ladies” He’s all mine
Umm, yeah…Are you sure I took this off the truck?
“THANK GOODNESS”…The E-BAY parts have arrived!!!
The problem is, Ma’am, that this was crammed up your rear differential.
I shoulda quit at uncle cooters garage long ago and went
to wyotech!
ya know,momma told me their’d be days like these, but just not so many!!!!
Good news is we found a replacement. Bad news is they only make it in Haiti.
OOHHHH You said fender light is broken, I thought you said the fuel light was broken. Well that will be $2,500 and you will have to make an appointment to have the fender light looked next week.
mam i think i found your diaphram !
Want me to use some Eastwood Gas tank sealer while I have this thing out?
“What is it? EXPENSIVE!”
This here little critter was a bear to get…but I got the darn thing!
Everything works now so you probably won’t need this!
And THIS is what I use to look into my proctologist’s tailpipe.
Why do i alway’s end up with extra part’s….?
Can’t believe I found my kindygardin art project!
What a great fishing lure. I can’t believe he hid it under his hood. What a fool.
Maam, I think we found the problem. Try it out over the weekend and if it’s still giving you trouble, we’ll take a look at it first thing Monday morning.
This thing tried to eat the back of my head off!
Hmmm…I dunno, but I’m thinking this might be important.
We’ll laugh at this in the morning.
You can look at this situation as a glass half full or half empty.
Once Toyota slipped their choices for mechanics into the GM shops, it became a waiting game for the giant to fall
I saw this once in a picture show and I still can’t tell ya where it belongs.
All I was trying to do was pull the rubber fuel line off…
I only left the new guy for five minutes, Honest!!
Golly, I think I can restore it with Eastwood’d help. Get me their catalog!
It’s a boy!
They claimed there was only a little water in the gas tank – so why is the fuel pump motor rusted away?
I guess I should have used my Eastwood Soda Blaster to clean up the fuel pump motor. I knew the sand blaster might be harsh, but I didn’t expect it to blast the fuel pump motor completely away!
Maam, I’m sorry I can’t let you take this home. I know you said you could make a nice craft out of this but my boss says it has to go back somewhere in your car.
Geez I wonder if she’ll run without this whatchemecallit?
Sorry! This is part of Al Greenspan’s global warming solution…..
Yes, mam’. It’s part of the new smog check requirement.
I think this was made in China…
Does this qualify me for a reality show at Eastwood?
Hey Mr. Eastwood! Don’t get all excited! there’s a stimulus plan in the working I’m sure..
Hey do I qualify for mechanic stimulus money?
Looks like 2 weeks in Tahiti. I mean… This has to be replaced.
The good news: We found your problem. The bad news: It’s the shop owner’s nephew…
I think it might be broken.
As Bob scratched head looking at the left over part, He thought does he really want to be a Mr.Goodwrench….
Ya Im grinning because I just quit and this part was in my bosses car.HEHEHE
I pulled this out and now I get 50 miles to the gallon.
Um, Weren’t you told NOT to feed the Gremlins after midnight?
Engineers… can’t live with them, can’t live without them.
Time for a beer !
What do you mean I shoulda put this in before I installed the tank?
I knew I should have called out today!
Mommy, how do I fix this?
Yea, We can sell you a new one of these for about 400 dollars. What did you say it was again?
By back feels alot better after the doctors took out the brace!
when the aliens took me, I came back with a sea urchin from outer space!
Yep, your right ma’am! Here’s that tracking device you said your husband put in your vehicle!!
Do we really need this?
“Are you sure you said ‘full tune up’ and not ‘fuel pump’?”
Hmmm! Look like you need a “BIG BUX CAPACITOR”.
oh boy…I think I should have been paying more attention in class the day the tech instructor went over this part !
I think we can save you some money by replacing this with a chipmunk.
Yeah, it was your float valve alright. We didn’t have a new one in stock so I picked one up at home depot. If it sticks, just jiggle the door handle.
Come on, you DON’T know what this is? Man, you’re out of the loop…I think…
There’s good news and better news- the good news- you can scare the crap outta your kids when you play the itsy bitsy spider. The better news- It’ll only cost you $150 to have it towed to your home and then you have a lovely planter that’ll really spruce up the mobile home park.
this can’t be THAT important….can it?
5 years of medical school for this?
dipstick (oh you ment the thing in my hand)
My Doctor prescribed this?
You ran over what again? Well this should take care of your rattle sound!!!
Crap, I need Eastwood
Looks like I found your problem, Your kids Foot Pedal and Crank was under your hood.
Leftovers are meant for cooking, not auto repairs.
I found this in the gas tank. Should be all set now.
I couldn’t find the problem, but this thing attacked me.
While I was fixing your vehicle this thing attacked me.
I narrowed down where the noise was coming from.
It looks familiar but Alldata doesn’t show it anywhere.
I found the source of those “Feed me HiTest” messages on the electronic dash.
Turns out your wastegate is connected to your oppenheimer valve, so you’ll need to replace both…
umm…were does this go ?
Shazam. How did that happen?
Weeelll, usually its just a few bolts left over, but this, this could be a PROBLEM!!!
You want to know what this is? Why, this is my next boat payment, that’s what this is.
Lavendar scented?! I ordered the mocha breve! Now what am I gonna do?
A friend of mine got me deal on these Alaska King Crabs.They sure don’t look like much after they have been declawed.
Gee maam my boss said there would be days like this you never know what part your not gonna get
would love to win!!
…just snuck up on me. Hit my D___ head, but I fixed his wagon.
Cars have tapeworms???? Wowee
This looks a little more complicated than my IPOD.
So , it looks like I wont be Eastwood Employee of the Month huh !
Hmmmmm….Wonder if this is something I REALLY need?
It’s either this or the nut behind the wheel.
Well sir what we found was a code p0440 which is basically a black hole in the evap system. well your fuel pump got sucked right off this sending unit. the good news is that we have a gas cap in stock to fix that “black hole”. It’s all good.
Does Eastwood have a tool to fix this?
I think I got one of these here things in my toilet.What’s it doin’ in a car????
I think I found the problem keywords I think!
I thought this car was electric
I found it, now back to where you ought to be
I’ve been wearing blue jump suits ever since my wife found one in the glove compartment.
First I remove this—–then I remove your wallet.
Manual? I don’t need no stinkin’ manual.
I dont think its American ?
sorry I dont work here
Hey boss I cant remember what car is this from ?
Hey boss whats this ?
The previous owner did a repair like this? Obviously he wasn’t using all the resources Eastwood provides!
Yes sir, I can fix just about anything with 2 pens and a tire gauge.
Well, with a little tube rolling,welding and some powder coating, your hood ornament will be as good as new.
The sending unit’s supposed to go WHERE??? I guess I should have bought that how-to CD from Eastwood.
Well, THAT didn’t work like it was supposed to – I probably should have bought that instructional CD from Eastwood.
Hmmm, this is a new one to me. I guess paying attention in tech school would’ve been a good thing.
I think I can figure this out…give me another beer!
now where does this go??? maybe just an extra part…does the car still run??…cool
Seems to me you need a LEFT handed stimulus probe.
I have heard about it for years but this is the first Kanutin valve I have ever seen. Guess we better look for the wizz bearing now.
If I could find my glasses I could have you out of here in 20 minutes.
“This one is toast…but I got a new behind my back.”
I’ve always heard about a “Widget”, but this the first time I’ve ever seen one!
Nuts, I wish I had cleaned that fast set epoxy off my fingers before I scratched my head.
Are yor SURE your car had one of these things when you brought it here?
Can I use my “Phone-A-Friend”?
I knew when I bought this car it had a few bugs, but this is crazy!
Wherever it came from its not going back.
Ummmm yea this is gonna definitely going to cost ya
Would this be a bad time to mention I may have exagerated juuuuust a little on my resume?
and you think a GOOD MECHANIC is EXPENSIVE…??
Don’t worry, I’m a professional.
Lady Gaga called and said she left her hair piece somewhere!
What kind of steering wheel is this?
How many times do I have to tell you not to powder coat this?
Why in the world did you sand blast this?
You want a free oil change?
You can’t powder coat this.
This is your problem, you power coated this too.
This Job is so worth it. With the money I make I will get an Ipod touch and buy a new one of these from Eastwood.
SO,this is how GM is gonna git outa trouble?
Please don’t tell my boss!
I have good news and bad news. The bad news is I don’t know where this goes back in, but the good news is it counts towards weight reduction, so you’ll get better gas mileage!
At least it looks good with that Eastwood tank tone.
Man, I hate when I have parts left-over… ‘specially ‘cuz this one looks important…
Hey Boss ! Whats this Thingamagig. I got it out and don’t think it’s spose to be there. And there was plenty of gas in the tank. It in the pit now don’t light up.
I love my mechanic named Dave,
His mechanical skill makes me rave.
The parts I don’t need,
He dispatches with speed,
And think of the money I save.
Now, how do I test this?
Hmm,should I just replace this fuel sender? Is there supposed to be a fuel pump here?
I got the amygdale out; I’m going back in for the cerebral cortex.
oh boy now i did it, gonna need some duct tape, jb weld and an adapter kit to fix this one.
Uh oh better call Eastwood.
This might take a little longer than I thought.
Roscoe won’t get far without this.
Oh no not again!
Only 1 part left this time boss – I must be getting better.
Anybody know what this is?
Woo, please don’t tell me boss.
Just make sure to fill up every week.
This picture sure would look great on an iPod touch.
That Eastwood Tank Tone blinded me and I could not see what I was pulling out.
I can fix it but it will cost you.
At least with that Eastwoods Tank Tone it will look good even if it does not work.
I love my mechanic named Dave,
His mechanical skill makes me rave.
The parts I don’t need,
He dispatches with speed,
And think of the money I save.
Which car did this come out of?
This might put my boss over the deep end.
Maybe you should have done this your self?
Ummmm Maam, We found out what was causing the stalling and it came right out when we pulled on it but after we read the manual we found out it wasn’t supposed to come out like that. We’re gonna need more time to fix this, it definitely shouldn’t have broke that easy when we pulled on it.
I think you left this under the back seat but I can’t get it reattached.
No charge; I’ll just put it in the trunk for you.
Do you need a ride home again?
That HURT! Whey does that have to be installed under the hood?
I should’ve checked with Eastwood first!
Oops! I did it again
We finally got the red light to go out but, now you have a starting problem.
Dang it!! Who let Jerry back in the garage?! Find out where he put his helmet and get him away from that Trailblazer!
At EASTWOOD’S, you’ll never see THIS face.
Mrs. Eastwood….Trust me..your car will be fine without this…just don’t tell Mr. Eastwood
This news definitely isn’t going to “float” your boat or “pick-up” your spirits.
Looks like we need a manual
I guess I used to big of a hammer?!?!
What we have here is a failure to communicate!!!!
I swear, I’ve been through the owners manual 4 times and there are no pictures of this.
Ugh! Wish I would have become a Alaskan Crab Fisherman instead!!!
I found this thing sucking all the gas outta your fuel tank.
Hmmmm!! Wonder where this goes?
Theres a reason I’m a carpenter!
Hey Joe, Think that will fit the V.W. ?
Let’s fire it up and see what doesn’t work.
Yeah…. I took it apart before calling Eastwood……..Sorry !!!!!!!
Your brake drums are shot and you need a new transmission.
I know you’re upset with the repair bill but you have to understand that after I was done with all that trial and error / process of elimination stuff, this was the only part left from your origional truck!
I know you’re upset with the repair bill but you have to understand that after I was done with all that trial and error / process of elimination stuff, this was the only part left from your origional truck?
I guess there was somothing to all that: Just say no to drugs!
Don’t get so upset mamm, you’re just confused about the repai bill. Let me explain: I’m giving you half off the triple cost that I doubled.
I hope my ex-wife’s new boyfriend doesn’t need this electronic breaking control unit in his truck.
Nahh, you don’t need take your truck to an Authorized Dealer. Thrust me. Jerry can do it cheaper at Billy-Bob’s Bait, Tackle, Bar, Pool Hall and Servic Station.
This was day twelve on this job and the last section of wiring I removed and replaced before I realized it was just a blown fuse. I told the customer I’d give them a break and waive the inside storage fees.
Don’t you agree, sometimes less is more?
Why you should check with Eastwood for help on your next car project and do it yourself rather than trust someone else to fix it.
Why you should check with Eastwood for help on your next car project and do it yourself rather than trust someone else to fix it.
(see website)
What are you going to do???
Restore your car yourself with help from Eastwood and get satisfaction in a job well done.
Or trust Jerry and hope your car is not FUBAR when he gets done with it.
Check with Eastwood and learn how to fix your car yourself.
On the other hand if you let some guy named Jerry do it,
you better ask yourself, do you feel lucky?
Well do ya?
My chevy use to have a bad gas problem
My Chevy doesn’t have gas problems
Got Gas
Well, you remember how that thing popped out of that guy’s belly in Alien? Well, this just popped out of your car’s engine. Where’s Signorey Weaver when you need her?
How not to retrieve a 1/4-20 nut…I thought I lost my Eastwood magnet so I used my buddy’s $100 magnet. come to find out my Eastwood magnet was in my front pocket !!
This should cover my next two boat payments.
I wonder what else I can pull out of the back of my head?!?
Give me just a few minutes to install and connect this to your radiator and air conditioner, this will solve your overheating problem for sure.
You stop whining about this one crummy left over part, and I won’t sue you for your gas tank falling down and hitting me in the head. Deal?
Maybe I should have stayed in at a Holiday Inn last night!?!?
“Well, you see it is like this, i was pulling the alternator wire and it got stuck. So i pulled harder and the next thing you know i am on the ground looking up holding this in my hand. Good news is i fixed the alternator.”
I looked up the price of this part and the insurance company totaled the truck!
I fell asleep on my creeper and some clown put Super Glue on my hands!
Hold on a minute while I let some air out of my head.
“…So you’re saying that you brought the truck in for a tire rotation???”
Ain’t fur chure whut this here thang is, but me and Bubba we cun fix it fur ya tho.
I think I found the source of those “Feed me HiTest” messages on the electronic dash.
I dunno!… it’s not in the manual…
You want me to install this Where???
Automotive Degree at ITT, 54,999.00
Chevey BLazer 35,000.00
Forgetting to put your Bosses fuel pump back in before his Honeymoon Priceless.
I know I’m late with this order .But somebody has to sign for it!
“Hey Boss…What else should I charge them for?”
I think you need to go wireless.
Apparently you got some bad fuel, this is all that was left. But look on the bright side, can’t charge you for removing something that wasn’t their.
I didn’t know it would do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup, it’s definitely a defective ID10T and it’s not cheap.
Hi, my name is Jerry and I’m not only the owner of “Mechanics Anonymous”…I’m a client.
Well, when you first pulled it in, I just thought it was BAD GAS…
Did you ever have one of those days when you just knew you shouldn’t do something, but you did it anyway and then confirmed you shouldn’t have done it? Well this was one of those days!
I’m so confused I could fart. Wait a minute, I think I just did!
What Now!!!
This will put an end to those wolf whistles every time it sees a Corvette.
Your girlfriend took this off your other vehicle and said to tell you that you won’t be going out with the boys tonight!
I tightened the battery cable and charged the customer $1,200.00 for parts they didn’t need. And you thought I looked stupid!
It’s funny that although I don’t know where this came from, what it does or where it goes, I’m still going to charge you for it.
I’m real good at the error part of trial and error.
Uh…Boss, remember that part I was supposed to put in first?
I was holding on to this when the earthquake tilted the garage to the right!
It’s OK, I still have a shout out and a life line left.
This has got to be the rattle mom heard, I’m sure glad I took Auto Shop all 6 years of high school.
Roses are red
Violents are blue
I’d take your truck someplace else for repair
As I don’t have a clue
I show this same thing to any customer who demands to see the used parts.
Well the good news is that your vehicle will pass emissions now. It registered zero since it no longer runs.
I never make the same mistake twice. The last time I screwed up a job like this, I did it with my left hand.
If you keep smacking me in the back of my head, I’ll never figure this out!
When you want it done right, do it yourself with Eastman Tools to help.
One more lump on the back of my head, but one less auto alarm system.
One of the perks of my job is that I get to keep all the old parts. I can thnk of some kinky uses for this!
I swear I thought I had seen everything, but I found this thing stuck in the fuel injector. Honest.
If I install three more of these, I get a new toaster!
When you overheard me say Duhh, I was actually referring to this Dual Universal Humidity Harness. AHA D.U.H.H.
Nothin up my sleeves (Or in my head)
Of couse I know what this is. I was only asking you to see if you knew too.
Violents are blue
Roses are red
When my boss sees what I just did
I’m dead!
Roses are red
violents are blue
I’d bring your truck eleswhere for repair
If I were you!
This looks exactly like one of my sex toys.
I’m not real sure what it is Lady- but I’m pretty sure you don’t really need it.
Trust Me !!!
okay the good thing is that your car is-(crash smash BANG(random car noise)not completely destr- BOOOOM!!!….. Uh-oh
The truck fell on me and broke my neck. Revenge is sweet!
crap i knew i forgot something
Oh, you just wanted an oil change?
For my next trick, I’m going to pull a rabbit out of my head!
Idiot light problem.
Idiot mechanic.
Problem solved!
I realize your truck has been here for six months but the PROCESS OF ELIMITATION takes time!
I guess this mechanics job isn’t working out so it’s back to posing for swim suit calanders!
Hey ladies! Get the best of both worlds, smart and sexy!
Less weight equals better gas milage. Right?
I just know somethins missin. I jus can’t put my finger on what.
I guess if this mechanics job doesn’t work out, I can always go back to posing for swim suit calanders.
Forget about the wiring harness. I’m more worried about the hood support rod stuck in the back of my head!
I suppose we’ll need to tell the customer that rehab will take a little longer this time.
Hey boss, I solved that annoying engine warning light problem in 10 seconds flat with one hand!
Now how about that pay raise?
I wonder how much I can get for this on ebay.
I am having one of those daze! I forgot my pocket protector in my pink overalls, I can’t do anything with my hair and now this thing…yeccchhhh!!
I am Starfleet, I know many things….
…what? this thing? …uhhh M’am you are never going to believe this but I am not your mechanic…Morpheus, Trudy find me an out…my neck thingy came unplugged, help!
Matrix Reloaded
Sorry, this part is broken and is not cheap. If you know what I mean.
Sorry, this part is broken and is not cheap. I you know what I mean.
Hey boss, I solved that annoying engine warning light problem in 10 seconds with one hand. Now what about that pay raise?
I know your truck has been here for six weeks, but you need to understand that the PROCESS OF ELIMINATION takes time!
I just hate it when I have parts left over after the job is done.
Forget about the wiring harness,I’m more worried about the hood support rod stuck in the back of my head!
If you show me yours,I’ll show you mine!
Feisty little thing …I think I’ll name it Teresa
Hey!!!! I found this crawling around in your fuel tank!
Watch an all new episode of “Deadliest Catch”
To paint or powdercoat….that is the question!
Need a repair manual, call Eastwood.
This is why I love classic cars.
It’s ok just put $5 in every morning and you won’t miss it.
Ok! Ok! I will put it back, it isn’t broke, I think?
What was it they said in Tech School?
Now HERE’s your problem: …you need a new mechanic
You want me to do WHAT with it?
“You know when it’s time to call the experts at Eastwood!”
I know there is a reset button back here somewhere.
I see what they meant about “It is important to keep the smoke inside the wires!”
Hey Gomer….. had a colonoscopy yesterday and look what they found!!!
UHMMMM……YEAH. Gimme a minute.
OUCH!!!!!, Knocked my self in the head, mashed my finger, got dirt in my eyes and OH YEA found the problem.
“I guess…I probably should have told him about this part before he drove off….”
¡¡ OOpps I am only the delivery man … what I am suppose to do with this strange piece?????
How did my wifes toys get here
HEY BOSS! The guys in parts say they WON’T warranty this for me & it’s on BACKORDER!! Ya better call the customer!
Sorry there is a no refund policy.
See and you thought I couldn’t figure out why the radio wasn’t working.
Is this an extra?
By removing this here thing, you now get unlimited miles to the gallon.
I swear Idont remember taking this off!
Eastwood repairs what your husband fixed.
well, the service manual said: BE CAREFUL NOT TO DAMAGE THE FUEL GUAGE SENDER UPON REMOVAL! gee, i wish i would have checked the gas guage to make sure that it was working before i removed it!
Dropped my scan tool. Always wanted to know what was inside.
Dropped my scan tool. Always wanted to what was inside.
“I can’t find the part number… Does anyone read ‘barcode’ ? . .”
Now ya didn’t have to go and hit me in the head…I meant we had to stick it in the rear of your truck!!
Looks like a robots arm almost stepped on it.
Oh No!…That tube wasn’t grease…it works like Superglue !!
Sorry boss,.. All I did was SNEEZE…!@!
so this is what a flutterizer vavle looks like
I think you need one of these thingings
This is an auto mechanic’s deadliest catch. “Engine Crabs, I see way too many of these. And they smell to.”
You want one of these installed??? Okay… It will make a unique hood ornamnet, but I don’t think you will really like it.
Please, don´t install your toiletpipes in your car again.
I can probably save you some money by installing this used muffler bearing out of a 76 Pinto? Yes! it does cross reference with your vehicle to.
Now lets see.. I know this what you ma call it goes somewhere in this thingy ma jig..
When David said that you’d find “everything” under the hood of Sandra’s car, you didn’t actually think you’d find the kitchen sink!
After 30 minutes in the shop bathroom, Jerry finally passes that nasty Tapeworm.
They dont call it jerry rigging for nothin!
man, i really need to stop getting stoned befor work! is it lunch yet?
I don’t remember if I got this out of the car or the ladies restroom.
Oh man, my girl’s gonna be REALLY grateful when I finish this up!! She’ll just call me Mr. fix it. Maybe even something better!….Uh, there’s another one of those spare parts. Guess I’ll put it in the tool box with the others.
Found your problem…. I don’t know how it got in there but this thing was plugging up your gas tank!
you have got to be kidding no gas
Then Jerry uttered those all too famous words…well, what you have here Ma’am is your ordinary, run of the mill “Didgama-banger” luckily for you they don’t use these anymore so you’re safe, but the removal and environmental impact fee to dispose of it is going to come to around $1,200.00
Eat it?…. Hell, I don’t know how to get the shell off.
Where did this come from?
” Man…, I shoud’ve went to Eastwood instead”
No big deal. You didn’t need this anyways!
I think it’s dead…
I’m pretty darned sure that this is some sort of alien probe, I don’t want to tell you where I found it.
Reminds me of a monkey pissin on a cash register, it’s gonna run into some money.
This flux capacitor shore ain’t fluxin’ anymore mister.
“I guess we should add a filter to that new cold air intake. It looks like she ate another 2 wheeler!”
It may be time for you to see a specialist……..
“I guess we should add a filter to that new cold air intake. It looks like she ate a Kia!”
Gee, I wonder if I could check the Eastwood Catalog for the tools to restore this item to new like condition????
Like I told you… that was just an ESTIMATE.
I wunder if I kin get this back in without that bar a soap??
Who is going to help me now?
AH? What was I thinking?
You did say you wanted it burglar-proofed, right?
Damn it Jim, how should I know what it is, I’m a doctor not a mechanic!
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men ……
Do you offer a free vehicle inspection? I thought you said remove my fuel injection!
Ah Ha The Deadliest Catch
I wish I wouldn’t have dropped out of rocket science school.
Well, this will now give you the option of going “Green”!
Ummmm….All fixed?
just keep spraying this can of starting fluid it will run just fine
Now let’s see, what did that guy at my FLAPS say? “Oh Yea!” Swing this thing over my head three times and crow like a chicken”
Um, I was sick the day we covered this thing in class.
what is this thing?
well mam looks like you got some spare parts
Well sir, I got it fixed. But, I broke your hood latch with my head.
Do you believe this costs $600??
I think this is the callagotte accumulator.
I’m thinkin’ it hangs from the mirror like this ??
Could this be the problem why the car doesn’t run!!!!!!
… Now where does the afterburner go again?
The guy said it was a universal fit !!!
Well, I replace this and your winshield wiper motor still doesnt work we need your car for another week sorry.
I’ve never seen anything like this before????
Sir,Are you going to need your vehicle back today ?
Without Eastwood’s help you’d be running on empty…
I think I know now why the book said “empty the tank before removing the straps and dropping it down”………..that really smarts !!
Why me! It’s made in China!
I have found the problem…What is this?
hay boss the tank is already in but i will torch a hole and weld it back in and with Eastwood tank sealer it will be much much better than new
I sure hope this is the alternator..
Should’ve used Preparation H! That itching was so distracting I done forgot where this thing goes.
Hey there! Otis T….you think we can use this dang thin’ in Pa’s alligator trap?
Hey Boss! Do you want me to hang this new air freshener on the rear view mirror or just shove it under the seat?
I did some modifications to your hybrid…instead of flex fuel, i think it’ll run on corn mash and Mt. Dew now…
Hey there! Otis T….you think we can use this dang thin’ alligator trap?
Hey Bubba, I plugged the dang thing in, and the radio quit!
Aw Dang, I knew I should ordered that tool from Eastwood
“Dang” He’ll be back
Guess I should’ve put this before he left.
“boss….is this the fuel rail?”
That not mine
Damn, Eastwood’s would have instructions
“boss ..the fuel pump is clogged with rust! what?”
“pull the tank out jr.” …and I will call eastwood for some fuel tank liner.
Well, there’s your sign!!
I cant believe it was just the fuse!
Now i know this goes somewhere don’t it.
“and the BluRay plugs in…where?
Their tech guy is in Bombay!
I should have gone to EASTWOOD!
It goes in the fuel tank!! What’s a fuel tank?
I put y’all engine back together but for some dang reason I have this extra part here in my hands! Do y’all have any idea where yonder this part goes? (DIDIDEE)
dam hood (that hurts)
Hi, I’m george irizarry.
I tried to come up with something clever, but I couldn’t.
Eastwood about to launch this thingy, we just ain’t got no idea yet where it goes. Want it put in somewheres? It costs 5.47, but you’re guaranteed double yer money back if it catches fire or something.
Yup Cooter! He’s down a cupla quarts ah gas.
You don’t need this! It’s one of those optional features dealers tries to sell.
It suddenly became clear to Jerry that his name inspired practice of “Jerry-Riggin” a repair or restoration would never result in aquiring his dream job at Eastwood.
This might be why the hologocile wouldn’t sagatiate confirmly… but I’ve never even seen THAT OBD code before!
“I don’t know if I can fix this but let me call Eastwood, they always have a solution.”
dam hood (that hurts)
“Sir, I found out why your truck is not getting enough fuel pressure: It says made in China.!”
Well I guess we had better take a look at thoes directions !
“This came out of the back of my head.”
This is the house special would you like this broiled, boiled or grilled?
Do it yourself or pay me $$$$ !
“…the BAD NEWS is I saw one of these in the new ‘TRANSFORMERS’ movie!”
TIRES $300 TUNE UP $129.95 NEW BRAKES 69.95
Well, I don’t reckon I know where it goes . But It sure is a pretty thang!
Well looky here! This must be one of those new fangled devices that are on dem dare new fancy cars.
“I’ve got three dollars… I hear FOUR!!!
Well. I hope you put a new fuel pump in the tank before you installed the tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
made in canada??
Honest to God ma’am – its caused by a Transformer STD, I’m afraid ole’ Betsy ain’t been completely honest with ya!!
Oops, I guess this means I go back to working at McDonalds.
Show me what you got probie!
Hey dude, I found this space alien thingy in your gas tank.
Ops, I don’t think I should have pulled that hard!
Questions ? Ask the Forum, someone there has the answer.
Jerry had narrowed down to 3 things: a Borg subfield generator, a Romulan subspace communicator or a Ford sending unit. Somehow the sending unit didn’t seem right…
They’ll be here to pick it up when? crap!!!!
Qestione? Call Eastwood’s tech support. They have all the answers.
Umm – maybe you should MAKE her eat?
If this is HERE, then where the devil is my iPhone??
Well…Lets see, I’ve got good news and bad news…What do you want to hear first?
Wow, You could have “fueled” me….
No, sorry buddy-You aren’t on Pimp My Ride- this show is called “Strip My Ride,And Watch Me Cry.”
Well,Da Eastwood Guys Said It Was A electric Fuel Pump Mount With Electrical Connections & Tubing Hookup!! It Also Has a Gas Gage Float&Sending Unit !!! So,I Guess We Should Put It Back In Da Tank With Da New Fuel Pump mounted On It ????
Our tests showed evidence of a fuel system problem. So I removed the evidence.
You don’t want to see what I did to the new LCD tv.
The truth is I never even enrolled in the electronics school.
Well this was your problem. So I got rid of it.
Not sure what this thang is, but I bet Eastwood has somethin’ to polish it up nice!
Send it to NASA, looks like one of those pieces of space junk I’v seen pictures of posted in Google. Might have just dropped down.
Seriously, Boss, I found it under the car.
well looks like the wigglin pin fell out of the wobble shaft
I’m not sure but I think this may be important!
Clint Eastwood gave away his iPod? Huh?
How did I get stuck working on this clunker and how did Bosch fuel injection ever get to be popular? -Sheesh!
Be glad you didn’t buy a Saturn, Hummer or Pontiac. Chevy parts are still available.
You ain’t fuelin’ me now, are ya?
Hmmm…this thingy goes…..nope, now I know where it goes.
Never give up……Eastwood comes in Can’s not in Can not’s
The Computer Was Down.
I couldn’t fix your fuel pump but I did make your horn louder.
I’m going to need some Eastwood tools to fix this!
This thing was giving me a wedgie…now I can work on you car…
Yeah, you know that funny noise your truck was makin’….well its not makin’ it anymore!!!!
I wonder if Eastwood Forums can give me help on what to do with this?
No, I’m really good at tearing things apart….Its the puttin’ it back that I need to work on……
Yep- I think I will definitly gold cadium paint it after I sand blast it in my cabinet, glad I have so many option with Eastwood .
what now ???????????????????????????
What? You said you were gonna be “sending out for take out”, not to “take out the sending unit”?
Should I call Manny, Moe and jack….No…I got it, Larry Moe and Curly!!! Soitenly!
Ummm, sorry but I do believe this flux capacitor is defective. Looks like you will need a CPU with at least 1.2 jigo-watts of power to get your vehicle running again.
Geez!! boss where do I put it?
Mechanics not responsible for lost or stolen property (or leftover parts).
Hey , I think I found another Jimmy Hoffa.
Try us once, you’ll never go anywhere again.
I knew sleeping in class after partying all night would end up biting me in the BUTTOCKS.
Sir – what did the guy on the side of the road tell you this was for again?
Uh,yeah,um, I don’t thinks this is covered under your warranty……
If we don’t learn to fix our own stuff, someone else will.
I figured out why your fuel level gauge doesn’t work….. some moron must have dropped this in your gas tank!!
It’s a good thing we can restore this as good as new with Eastwood tools and products!!!
You need a new one of these…..
I know those guys are yankin’ my chain….I know what a muffler bearing is and this ain’t one!!!
gee Ma’am, don’t recall where this fits, but am betting you won’t need it in a loooong while, trust meeeee! 😉
I don’t think this fuel injector fits on this vehicle, are you sure its the right part number?
Yeah….This is why you should have a qualified technician work on your car….know any?????
Hi Ho off to the parts store i go.
That reminds me, I haven’t seen my protologist in a while……
I should of read the manual before I started
Suddenly, Jerry has a flashback to the time he was abducted by aliens……
Uh, houston, we have a problem……..
Ma’am, I found this connected to the intake manifold…again. PLEASE, do not let your husband work on the truck anymore!
Hey – my job description nevered mentioned any Man-eating Ninja Transformers Mutant Tarantula Gearhead Carburator Fuss-a-ma-jobs!!!
Hey Andy, Otis sez that this crawled out from under the squad car…Barney said it is part of his speed detection device he installed out on highway 9…Whatcha want me to do with it???
Are you sure? I didn’t see a gas tank.
I could ask Eastwoods forum! Someone will know the answer.
ow,i gotta stop hitting my damn head
What is this and what do I use to plug the holes.
Dah, I should have had a V-8.
You bake this around the tailpipe, an it tasts just like opossum.
pardon me, does any know what this or were it goes . i’ll pay.
Am I suppose to cook this calimari or install it on the vehicle?!?
“O” NO It’s a younger version of my Brother in law. WHAT HAVE I DONE?
what in the world is this guess i should call eastwood they should know what it is and where it goes
It only took me 7 1/2 hours to remove this thing, but I did it with only a screwdriver and a hammer.
Maybe she did get a message on her cell, THE CAR WANTS HI-TEST!
Being a highly trained professional, I see this sort of thing every day, but this one’s really got me stumped!
I think I found the problem with the car, but why is the garage tipping over?