On this episode, we pull in our own video producer Adam to talk about the summer show season that’s winding down. Bryan and Adam cover a whole range of events they attended, from the Good Guys National in Delaware to the high-end Radnor Hunt Concours. They dig into the surprising amount of overlap between mini-trucking and VW cultures.
Listen as they go deep in Nerdland on everything from custom builds to costume-party driving events and discuss what’s still to come on their fall calendars.
Links to topics discussed in this episode:
- Good Guys Mid-Atlantic Nationals
- Ace Cafe New Hope
- Van Sant Wings and Wheels
- TROG – The Race of Gentlemen
- Goodwood Revival
- The Distinguished Gentleman’s Drive
- Hot Rod Power Tour
- Colorado Grand
- L’oe Show
- AACA Fall Hershey
- Fall Carlisle
- Radnor Hunt Concour d’Elegance
Watch the video below, or check out the DIY Garage Podcast on the following audio platforms: