When you hear about Gene Winfield chopping a car most of us immediately think of a low, sleek Mercury or some sort of 50’s American vehicle. This time around at the Milwaukee World of Wheels he was presented with a classic VW Bug. Now this isn’t the first time someone has chopped a bug, but most times they look very WRONG when their done. Most of them the lines don’t flow, the roof looks squashed, etc. If anyone could do the job right, it’s Gene. We dug around and found out that the Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio had covered the event and even interviewed Gene about the project.
You can see that Gene and the crew had to make ton of cuts to get the chop just right. In the end they pretty much took the entire top of the car off all the way down to the rear decklid. This allowed them to proportionally lower the roof back down and keep the lines looking right. We can imagine some VW purists are cringing over these photos after seeing how clean and unmolested the car was to start with!
After a bit of time welding the roof back up and hammer welding all of the joints Gene and the crew had the car mostly complete minor some small details. It goes to show that Gene really can chop ANYTHING you put in front of him!
Thanks to the Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio Show for the pictures and make sure you listen to their interview with Gene from the show. You can listen to that HERE. Check out all of their pictures from the show HERE.
I also want a chop top VW. How and what is the cost
I’m glad to see how well Gene’s back wall that I painted to look like his shop is holding up after three years of travelling around the country to different auto shows!
i have a 75 vw super i’d like a price to chop it.
I really want a chop top VW like the one in this article. What would you charge to chop a top on a VW and how much of a chop do you recommend?
How abut a 4″ chop on a Peterbilt 379?