For some people, the parts that are actually “on” a car are what really make it stand out from the crowd. It could be that rare OEM accessory, those unique mag wheels, or a shiny after market valve cover. Whatever it is, you wanted it because you knew the guy […]
Recent Posts
Project GTohhhh myyy
The one nice thing about us having a small store front here at the Eastwood headquarters, is that we have customers stop in with their newly finished projects quite often. We love when they come to show off all their hard work. Yesterday a long time customer (and frequent visitor […]
You know you’re in “deep” when….
I use that statement quite often.. seems in the “car world”, there are a number of different levels of being an “enthusiast”. Some of us like to simply shine up our daily driver, personalize it a bit, make it our own. Then on the other spectrum, there are people like […]
Eastwood Thermo-Coustic – It Will Even Quiet a Vuvuzela!
If you haven’t been watching the World Cup (as a sports fan/geek, I felt compelled to at least watch parts of the US matches), you’re probably completely lost. That’s OK – you have been spared. The vuvuzela is a plastic horn, derived from a traditional African tribal instrument originally made […]
Give your achy hands a rest!
Most any car enthusiast has experienced the feeling of having tired, achy hands from sanding and polishing. Elbow grease is a inevitable, necessary evil of working on anything. I am a huge fan of the look of polished aluminum wheels, nothing beats the shine of a mirror polished wheel. Unfortunately the […]
Sparks Fly
Shawn offers up a sneak peek at the Eastwood Plasma Cutter.
The engine is out!
Looks like our crew over at Penn Manor got a bit of headway done on their VW truck project. Always a great idea to clean and paint parts before you put them back in the engine bay! I’ll leave the details to one of the students to explain! Hey Matt, […]
Even the best need guidance!
Recently we added another “arsenal” to our auto body product line. Sometimes after hours, days, and even months of sanding filler and primer, you start to see “things”. It makes you feel as if you are a shipwrecked sailor. You know the feeling, you’re fine-tuning a dent that you had […]
New Face at Eastwood
Brief intro on Shawn Pillow and the theme of his Eastwood Blog