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Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Testing 1-2 1-2

Repetition makes for the best final product. This is why our R&D department is always buzzing. From testing new products that are under development, to reviewing current products and seeing how we can make them even better. This at times can be a bit frustrating, but in the end we feel this […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Eastwood hits the “Big Time”.

Recently we were contacted by an automotive T.V. show by the name of “MotorWeek”. They asked if they could bring a project car in for some of our experts’ opinions on it. They also wanted to do some segments on Eastwood’s history and a bit of information on what we have going […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Hobby, Addiction, Profession? You Decide!

Recently we were contacted by Terry of Tbird Specialty Powder Coating to praise us on our products. After hearing his story, I decided I’d do a blog entry on him. I feel his attitude/story epitomized the philosophy that drives us here at Eastwood. Many people go at restoring and modifying cars differently. […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Year In Review.

2010 is well underway and we’re already off to a good start. While the world remains an uncertain place, I find I can still get away from it all by taking a “garage break.” Our projects are still there (in a variety of running and non-running forms!) and I am encouraged by […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Brake parts need love too!

As I mentioned in my introductory post, I have a 1976 VW Rabbit project that I am building from the ground up. This car is going to be built with a heavy vintage motorsport “feel”, but still in the end, it will be a show car and most everything is going to […]

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Guess that product!

Let’s see how well everyone can identify what this product is from the close up. Feel free to comment here or leave a comment on our Facebook page with what your answer is! Hint: “If you want to “get-low”, this tool is a must!