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Eastwood Two Time Popular Mechanics Editors Choice Award at SEMA 2012

Winning a new product award at SEMA is pretty exciting and every company at the SEMA show is eager to receive any type of recognition for their new products. Here at Eastwood we work every day to try and get you new innovative products you can actually use.



This year at the 2012 SEMA show one of our items in the new product showcase was picked for an Editors Choice Award by Popular Mechanics Magazine once again. You may remember last year our Aerosol Injection won an award. This year our product designer Mark R accepted the 2012 award for our MIG Spot Weld Kit.

Eastwood MIG Spot Weld Kit

Mark and our R&D crew developed this product just like many of our products; he found a problem while working on his own restoration project and designed an affordable solution. Now you can save money and space by keeping the MIG spot weld kit on your welding cart. Just thread it onto your MIG gun when you want to use it without having to drag out another tool.

We’re honored to win the award two years in a row, and while many product designers would be feeling the pressure to go for a three-peat; we’re just doing the same we’ve been doing for years.. bringing you affordable, innovative products to solve problems in the shop.



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