If you plan on doing any type of serious work on your car or even just basic maintenance its a good idea to to buy a vehicle specific repair manual. Depending on the car you drive it may be harder to find the exact manual, but for the most part a simple internet search will help you find the correct one for your car. If you think buying one of these is not necessary you should probably reconsider. The companies that produce these manuals have already done all the hard work for you. These manuals usually have step by step instructions on how to take apart and reassemble every part of your vehicle, some even will show a full engine break down.
Going in to a project blind can be fun because we all want to figure everything out for ourselves and not have any help along the way. What happens if you hit a wall in the middle or forget how something goes back together? In this situation you only have a few options, even searching the internet may not help because you may already be over your head.
Having a repair manual will allow you to go into a project without any unknowns, some will even give tips on the exact way to remove the part so you don’t break it. I know first hand that my car would not be running today without the help of a repair manual. If your vehicle requires special tools, a manual will not only tell you what tool you will need, but also give a part number which will make locating one easier.
Check out the Eastwood Blog and Tech Archive for more How-To’s, Tips and Tricks to help you with all your automotive projects. If you have a recommendation for future articles or have a project you want explained don’t hesitate to leave a comment.
– James R/EW