I decided to start building the chassis for a 1930 Model A Coupe project I’ve been gathering parts for. The vision for this project was to build a traditional hot rod using a strong chassis that gives the car a nice stance all while utilizing some old and original parts to give the build the “soul” of a car built back in the late 1940’s-early 1950’s. This means other than raw material used and the replacement maintenance type parts, we’ll be building it using old “stuff”.
Tag: Ford
How to Convert Late Ford Banjo Rear End to Spring Over Axle
When you’re building old cars you sometimes have to work with “what you’ve got”, especially when you’re on a tight budget. If you’re building a hot rod using period correct parts you may need to mix and match parts to get something that works for your particular vehicle.
How to Fit Seat Sliders to Your Hot Rod Seat
The older the car you’re working on, the harder it can be to find usable parts you need. This becomes increasingly difficult when you get into cars that were short production or year runs. The iconic 1932 Ford is the most covenanted cars to build a hot rod out of. Being that they are a one year only body style, parts get expensive quick (especially original parts!). The seat slider mechanisms for an original ’32 Ford seat are as rare as hens teeth and command a pretty penny when you do come across one complete! Recently my friend Ace asked me to help with the task of getting his reupholstered original seat to bolt into the car AND slide easily. I decided to take some photos along the way and show our low-budget (and fairly low tech) fix.
How to Control Warpage on Sheet Metal on a Weld Joint with Gene Winfield
There’s a misconception among enthusiasts and even some professional body guys about welding sheet metal. The fact is that no matter how good or careful you are, metal WILL warp when you’re welding on sheet metal.
How to build a gas tank from scratch- Save Money and replace that Rusty Tank!
Now that we’re thawing out here in Eastwood country I’ve decided to get this old gal back on the road and I decided to tackle the mechanics. The problem with any “barn find” like this is that they normally have mechanically deteriorated just from sitting for so long. Normally people don’t plan to park a vehicle for a long time, just until they get time to fix it up. This means all of the fluids are left in the vehicle and those fluids over time tend to break down and cause issues. The worst thing to do if you park a vehicle for a long period of time (more than 6-8 months in my opinion) is to leave fuel in the tank. Over time the fuel breaks down and turns back into it’s original fossilized state. The temperature changes and the gas in the tank also promotes corrosion over time and the tank eventually rots out.
Scratch building a Ford Hot Rod to Scale- Building a skeleton
Recently product developer Mark R. decided to build a 30’s Ford Hot Rod to scale. The process would be fun and it’s going to allow him to test a number of the new Eastwood Metal Fabrication tools and accessories we have coming down the pike. We figured we’d document the process and give you some sneak peaks at new products along the way.
Customer Favorite Award #2- 1935 Ford 3 Window Coupe
This beautiful 35 Ford was built by Lakeside Rods and Rides and is chocked full of custom modifications to really give it a great profile. We couldn’t get enough of that side profile view!
2014 AACA Hershey Fall Swap Meet Report
For most here at Eastwood The fall AACA Hershey swap meet has become a tradition to visit each year. The reality with Hershey is that if you can’t take off of work and come mid-week, you’re going to miss the REAL good deals. Heck, some of the best deals are scored by fellow vendors on setup day it seems! I decided to swing by on the first official day of the swap meet and see what this year had in store.
The 2014 The Race of Gentlemen Report
 The Race of Gentlemen or “TROG” has by far become my favorite automotive event of the year and this year was no exception. TROG is a perfect example of a small low-key event that’s kept true to their roots. Even with all of the exposure and hype surrounding this […]