[This article was originally published on 12/11/20. It has been updated to reflect changes in Eastwood product offerings.] The welding process is pretty basic when you break it down. You heat and melt metal together to join things together. But there are five standard methods of welding and the one […]
Tag: gas welding
How to Weld With Gas
Gas welding and welding with gas can allow you to weld many different types of metal with very little supplies.
How to Gas Weld Aluminum Sheet Metal
Today we’re going to show you a quick tutorial on aluminum welding using the DHC Torch Kit . We’ll be showing you the process on some thin body aluminum. These test panels here are .035 3003 Aluminum which is common in automotive body panels.
Oxy-Acetylene Welding FAQ
What temperature do Oxy-Acetylene welding torches burn at? – Oxy-acetylene torches can burn at up to 6,330 °F, depending on the tip and mixture of gasses used. Compared to the 3,630 °F that a common propane torch burns at, you can see how much better the welding torch is at applying heat. Steel typically melts at about 2500 °F,
Detroit Autorama- Highlights, Trends, and our Favorite Rides!
…..”but there’s one other show that matches the abundance of high end classic cars and that’s the Detroit Autorama show and their “Ridler Award”. The “Motor City” has, and always will be synonymous with cars. While the car manufacturers may have left, this show has not and continues to grow in size.”
Sheet Metal Fabrication: Basic Machines & Techniques
Sheet metal fabrication is the act of forming, shaping, and joining metal together to build and or repair a tangible part. There are many techniques and tools. It’s been done since the beginning of time when even the simplest tools were used. In this article we will share the most common and important tools, machines, and techniques for the DIY fabricator.
Winfield Chop Shop Tour Houston, TX – Part 2
After the seam was welded, Gene and the crew went ahead and made a new panel for the one rear corner to make it all fit seamlessly. He used Eastwood Plastic Metal Shaping Hammers and Sandbag to form the panel and get the rough shape that was needed to fit the roof.