One of the big, time consuming jobs on any project vehicle (unless you are building one from scratch with raw sheet metal ) is stripping off years of old paint, primer and anything else on the body panels. There are as many different ways to strip paint as there are […]
Tag: grinder
How to Repair Rust With a TIG Welder- Rusty Door Skin Repair
There’s a handful of ways you can tackle repairing rust in your vehicle and all of them have their place. The most common would probably be cutting out the metal and MIG welding a patch panel in place. While this method is the easiest to accomplish, it can be difficult to blend the weld seam into the surrounding metal. I’ve done repairs this way for many years and they’ve turned out ok, but I’ve always wanted to master TIG welding patch panels and metal finishing the area for a seamless repair. I’ve recently begun switching a lot of my welding projects ….
Building Bumper Brackets To Take Abuse
I must admit that when it comes to my projects I have A.D.D, especially one as large as Pile House. Sometimes life gets in the way or we have other projects going at Eastwood (like our Project Resolution Mustang), that I can only devote small amounts of time or maybe […]
Patching Fender Rot
It seems like all we talk about when working on Project Pile House is the rust and body damage it has.. but again today we’re covering the repair of more rust that’s on the truck. This time it’s on the sides of the fenders where the cab mounts attach to […]
Patch Panels with a TIG Welder- How to use your TIG welder for rust repair
When we’re attending SEMA we talk to a lot of pro builders and fabricators. We want to know what the new trends, techniques, and products are that they used to get the results we’ve seen at shows and in the magazines that year. This is one of the ways we […]
How to repair rust- Fixing a rusty windshield cowl
So you decided to give your car a refreshing new look and it’s time to strip it down to prepare the car for paint. You can count on finding some sort of surprise when tearing the vehicle down. Whether it’s hidden accident damage, previous repairs, or the mummy of a […]