There isn’t much more heart breaking than preparing an item for paint and taking all of the necessary steps to clean, prep, and spray your project and a paint issue comes up after the paint has laid or dried. Like most problems in the world you can potentially solve or prevent them if you educate yourself to what causes the problem. Below we cover some potential causes and precautions to fisheyes in paint.
Tag: hot
Building Door Frames to Match the Chop
It’s been a while since we talked about the roof chop on Pilehouse, but I’ve been doing a lot of boring work on the smashed up old roof getting it satisfactory. Since then I decided to finally finish building the doors to match the roof. I took some pictures as […]
A Retired 1953 Chevy Farm Truck Stops by the Eastwood Outlet
We often have local customers cruising to the Eastwood retail outlet in their classic cars. During the winter the number of interesting cars and trucks that we see goes down considerably, but that doesn’t stop everyone. Ray T. stopped by the other day to price out some tools and supplies […]
Building Bumper Brackets To Take Abuse
I must admit that when it comes to my projects I have A.D.D, especially one as large as Pile House. Sometimes life gets in the way or we have other projects going at Eastwood (like our Project Resolution Mustang), that I can only devote small amounts of time or maybe […]
David Chambers- 48 Plymouth
“In 2010, I fulfilled m y contract with the US Army, as a disabled combat soldier. I entered automotive school shortly thereafter, and graduated this past Aug.The entire time I was in school,I was doing my best to pay off debt from when I was younger and less concerned with […]
Steve Hall- 1932 Ford
“My father in law had owned this 1932 Ford five window street rod for the past 40 something years.About 10 years ago he started the process of doing a frame off restoration to this car when his wife was diagnosed with cancer. He put the street rod project aside and […]
Craig Bresley- 1956 Buick Super
“I drive a school bus part time. I’m a disabled OIF Veteran. My wife is currently serving. I have a 1956 Buick Super that I have been working on for over a year but its got a long way to go! The shock mounts on the rear are busted off […]
America’s 5 Greatest Muscle Cars…Do You Agree?
You know how it is when you’re at a car show…you’re shooting the bull with the boys when the discussion gets around to muscle cars. Everyone’s got an opinion on what the top American muscle cars are, and each muscle car fan has his or her own “list”. But I […]
Winfield Chop Shop Tour Houston, TX – Part 2
After the seam was welded, Gene and the crew went ahead and made a new panel for the one rear corner to make it all fit seamlessly. He used Eastwood Plastic Metal Shaping Hammers and Sandbag to form the panel and get the rough shape that was needed to fit the roof.