Do I need an Oven To Powder Coat? Many DIYers are now using powder coating instead of painting to coat wheels, springs, engine valve covers and other small parts. The process of powder coating is fairly simple: blow statically-charged powder over an item, then cure it to the temperatures required […]
Tag: HotCoat
How to Touch Up Powder Coat
Powder Coat Repair Tips It’s no secret powder coating is one of the most durable coatings out there and it can hold to an incredible amount of abuse for a topical coating. But accidents happen and powder coat can be chipped from the surface and it isn’t the same to […]
Is Powder Coating Heat Resistant?
Powder coating is one of the most durable coatings you can put on an object and it’s become our favorite to use on just about everything. While it is extremely durable it does have some limitations. We often get asked what can’t be coated in powder coat and what […]
Powder Coating Motorcycle Parts to Make it Stand Out
Powder Coating is about one of the strongest coatings you can put on a part of your vehicle. What this does mean is that changing the color or design on your powdered parts can be a bit difficult to do. Recently Product Manager Beau B. decided to redo the color scheme on his motorcycle and document the process of stripping the powder off some of the parts and recoating them with fresh powder. It’s not as bad as you think!
Adding Custom Effects to Powder Coat
Just like paint, you can create custom powder coating finishes by adding metal flakes directly into the powder . Unlike paint powders will not accept pearl additives because pearls cannot withstand the high temperatures that powder requires to cure. With that said, creating custom powders is a game of trial […]
Project of the Week- Powder Coating a vintage Mini Bike
Here at Eastwood we’re always working on new products, but we always make sure we’re testing products we’ve offered for quality. Recently JR decided to powder coat a vintage mini bike to show off some of our Hot Coat Powder and test the outcome of our metallic powders.
Powder Coating Aluminum and other Cast Parts
Larger cast aluminum parts like transmission cases, cylinder heads, engine blocks, etc. can be difficult to get the current to pass through when powder coating a cold part and poor powder adhesion can be the result….
A Crash Course in DIY Powder Coating
You may not realize it, but Eastwood was the first to bring DIY powder coating to the masses and into your garage. We’ve been there since the start and I’ll admit that we sometimes forget that not everyone is as educated as we are about the process. I decided to throw together a list of information that will give you a crash course on powder coating as well as some tips and tricks along the way.
Hang up the Lawn Chairs and put on the Race Helmet- Dan and Amanda’s ’68 Mustang Fastback
Dan Woods is a familiar face around Eastwood and he’s actually made some appearances in powder coating posts here before. Dan runs his own powder coating business he calls D&W Motorsports. Dan’s partner in crime is a long time Eastwood employee. Amanda and Dan are both really into classic cars […]