When shopping for modern TIG welders or multi-process welders, you’re likely to come across a feature called 2T/4T Mode. The 2T and 4T refer to two distinctly different modes of torch switch operation on a TIG welder. If you’re new to welding, you may not understand what these features are […]
Tag: how to
Can You Paint Over Self Etching Primer?
It’s no secret that self etching primer is one of the best options for sealing up metal and keeping a barrier between bare metal and the moisture that tries to rust the metal! Self Etching Primer also gets a bad rap sometimes because it is particular about what coatings it […]
HOW TO DO IT YOURSELF ON A BUDGET If you’re restoring a vehicle, a major milestone in the process is when you paint the vehicle. At that stage, although still far from finished, the project really starts to take shape. Depending on your skill level and ambition, you may wish […]
How to Paint Your Car With Single Stage Paint
PAINTING YOUR CAR WITH SINGLE-STAGE URETHANE PAINTS BY NICK CAPINSKI A common question we hear from hobbyists is, “I want to paint my car. What products do I need?” This seems like an easy enough question, but with so many primers, paints and clear coats available, there are a lot […]
How to Setup a Vehicle for a Rotisserie
When doing a proper restoration, its essential that you get into all those hard to reach areas on your vehicle. Rotisseries are the answer to this by letting you be able to turn your vehicle 360 degrees, allowing you to get into these areas! However, if this is your first […]
How To Get Clean Air in Your Shop
After getting an air compressor you have accomplished getting the biggest piece of the puzzle in your shop. However, if you don’t have a dryer, don’t want to be constantly oiling your tools, and want the ability to get a show quality paint job, then you are going to want […]
How to Get Started Powder Coating
Powder Coating might seem like something that is only for the professionals to use, however the at home DIYer can start powder coating for just a little investment. In this article we will be talking about how I was able to get all the essentials to start powder coating my […]
How to Powder Coat Motorcycle Parts
Tank Latch and Brake/Clutch Reservoir Caps I was finally able to get my hands on my first powder coating gun which was the Eastwood Dual Voltage gun and had absolutely amazing results from it. In this article I am going to be going over the whole process I went through […]
Top 5 Shop Tools you Never Knew you Needed
5 Must Have Tools for the DIYer Having the proper tools you need in the garage is a must for when you are at home working on projects. However, everyone has come across a time when they were in the garage and did not have the specific tool that they […]