A staple of any automotive restoration shop is a media blast cabinet. In fact, most professional restorers have multiple blast cabinets, each set up with different media for different materials. But even DIY restoration enthusiasts on a budget can easily set up their home garage for media blasting. The key […]
Tag: media blasting
The Top 3 Ways to Treat Freshly Blasted Metal
It’s no secret that media blasting is one of the best ways to clean metal and get it perfectly clean. Media blasting propels an abrasive media at the surface at a high velocity to knock coatings and corrosion off of the metal. This means that what’s left is virgin clean […]
How to Epoxy Prime a Pedal Car Body
To be able to get a show quality finish, having quality primer is always the foundation to achieve that show room paint job. I have had an old pedal car body that I had pulled out of the trash that has been sitting in my garage for years. When I […]
How to Remove Small Rust Spots In Paint
When you’re doing a full blown frame-off restoration it isn’t a big deal to use a big pressure blaster to clean off any and all paints, rust, and coatings. But if you’re trying to preserve
Best Tools For Cleaning Steel Before Welding
Cleanliness is next to godliness and clean metal is the first step in making god-like welds on steel. There are a lot of ways to clean steel before welding but the method you pick may vary by the steel or job you’re working on. Below we put together our top […]
Top 5 Ways to remove Rust
Rust is something that’s hard to get away from, even in the driest climates, so type of rust still can occur. Removing rust can be VERY difficult and we decided break down our top five methods for removing it from metal. Some of these methods are cheap and quick, while others require some investment, but will reusable.
5 Tips to Keep your Parts Clean when Powder Coating
Coating anything requires good prep to assure a flawless finish. This is true for painting with an HVLP Gun, spray paint, or powder coating. Powder Coating adds an extra layer of finish contamination that other coatings do not. That’s the need to heat the part and the powder up to allow it to flow out and cure. Funky stuff can start to happen causing issues with the final product. We decided to put together or top five ways to prepare your parts for powder coating. These tips could be the difference between a show-worthy finish and a hack job!
Restoring a Ford Model T Jack- Don’t throw away that Antique Jack!
Antique cars had some pretty simple jacks that aren’t hard to figure out how they work. The problem is that the jack is usually a WRECK on anything older and especially an antique. I’ve found over the years that if the part or accessory (in this case an old jack) is still solid structurally, it can often times be saved and reconditioned or restored and put back into service.
Painting a 70’s Camaro Flat Black with Eastwood’s Help
In true DIY fashion these guys called in favors from friends and kept the project on the budget. They soda blasted the body and then primed and painted the paint with Eastwood Dead Rat Flat Black Single Stage Urethane Paint.