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Tag: metal shears

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

How to Extend the Life of your Cutting Tools

Cutting tools are the workhorses of most every metal fab, restoration, or DIY shop. whether you cut wood or metal your cutting tools tend to get abused and you can greatly decrease the life of the tool or the cutting surface on the tools. We put together Our top tips below of ways to extend the life of your cutting tools on metal. 

Archive, Eastwood Chatter

Eastwood Tech Tip: Cutting straight lines with your Shear.

Whenever you find yourself doing metal fabrication you’ll come to a time when you need to make a razor straight cut. Unfortunately most of us don’t have a big ‘ol “stomp shear”, so we need to use a power or hand tool. It seems no matter how many times I measured, set my tools up, got comfortable, did practice runs, etc. I could never get a perfectly straight line when cutting longer cuts on sheet metal. Recently it clicked in my head to utilize an old trick when making straight cuts with a plasma cutter.