Two-Tone and Multi Color Powder Coating
Powder coating is more durable than any paint, but many people don't realize it can be just as versatile. There is no need to limit yourself to a single color powder coat on a project, and have you seen the pearls, metallics and other custom powders Eastwood has now?
A custom two-tone, or multi color powder coating is as easy to do with all the Eastwood HotCoat powders as it would be for paint, just follow these steps:
- 1) Apply the first color, cure it, let it cool.
- 2) Mask with high-temp powder-coating tape, using aluminum foil as masking material the way you would use craft paper when masking for paint.
- 3) Ensuring a good ground is a critical point in multiple coats, you may have to attache the ground in an inconspicuous place that has not been coated.
- 4) Apply the second color, then put the whole project in the oven again for curing.
- 5) When done, carefully pull the tape and foil away.
There are two types of high-temp masking tape for powder coating: Fiberglass Tape in 1/2 inch and 1 inch widths, and the Polyester High-Temp Tape. Fiberglass tape is more flexible on irregular and curved surfaces, but leaves a fuzzier line. The polyester tape leaves a sharper line, but is less flexible.

And of course the Eastwood Dual-Voltage HotCoat Powder Coating Gun is good at applying multiple coats of powder, or any powder coating you plan on doing.
Alternate Method
To avoid any issues with assuring a good ground there is another alternative technique you can use. This technique becomes a necessity if doing a tri-color scheme, or more complex pattern.Just follow these steps:
- 1) Pre-heat the part after masking with masking tape and foil.
- 2) Pull the hot part from the oven.
- 3) Apply the second color which will stick and partially melt to the hot part instantly.
- 4) Place the part back in the oven for a final cure.