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Stud Welding Frequently Asked Questions – Eastwood

Eastwood Stud Welding FAQs

Stud welding has become a popular method of permanently attaching metal fasteners and hooks to a metal surface. It has a place in your DIY shop, too. In our Frequently Asked Questions, we look at the stud welding basics and examine when and why you might use it over other fastening methods.

What is a stud welder used for?

The primary purpose of stud welders is to attach metal studs and fasteners to a metal workpiece. This electric arc process uses a flux tip and ferrule to simultaneously heat the weld stud end and the base metal. They are then permanently fused by low-contact pressure. Stud welders can be used on fasteners of many sizes and shapes for automotive repair, shipbuilding, aerospace, insulation installation, computer circuit boards and more.

Another use for a stud welder is removing dents from sheet metal. With the Eastwood Stud Welder Dent Pulling System, you spot-weld pins onto the dented surface, pull the pins to pull out the dent, snip the pins and then grind them down. It’s an effective way to get dents out without drilling holes or using hammers that could compromise the strength of the metal.

Is stud welding easy?

To put it simply, anyone can stud weld. Just push the end of the stud gun against the spot where you want to put the fastener and press the trigger button. It’s a one-step welding process that requires no drilling, tapping or countersinking. You only need access to one side of the workpiece, too. Stud welding also requires less preparation and clean-up than other fastening systems. You don’t even need a separate stud gun — just add the Eastwood MIG Stud Welding Kit to your MIG welder, which saves money and storage space.

How strong is stud welding?

Drawn arc stud welding is one of the strongest fastening techniques around. The weld joint is much stronger than either the stud or the parent material, while remaining nearly invisible. In most cases, the joint outlasts the product you attached it to. Add in the fact that it usually takes milliseconds to connect a stud and you have a perfect process for mass production.

Can you weld metal studs made of stainless steel? What about other metals?

Using the proper equipment, stud welding can be used for fasteners and workpieces made of mild steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass and copper. The studs and base metal don’t have to be the same material, either. The stud can be anywhere from 1 to 25mm  in diameter and the base metal can be as thin as 1.2mm.

What types of studs can I weld?

As long as you have the correct attachments, many different stud types can be welded. They’re divided into three main categories: threaded, unthreaded and internally threaded (tapped). From there, potential shapes include:

  • Standard thread
  • Full base
  • Bent no thread
  • Shoulder threaded
  • Collar
  • Notched end
  • Rectangular with hole
  • Eye bolts

Can you stud weld on dirty or painted metal?

You should thoroughly clean and prepare any metal surface before using drawn arc stud welding. If the surface is painted, dirty, rusty or wet, it will compromise the strength of the weld. You also should not try to weld through galvanized metal because the results are not repeatable.


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