Powder Coating A Carburetor
Powder coating puts down a durable, great-looking finish on a lot of automotive surfaces, even carburetors! A number of carb manufacturers offer this service for a fee, but now you can do it yourself with Eastwood's HotCoat powder-coating products. The money you save coating a carb yourself will practically pay for your HotCoat purchase. You'll be proud of doing it yourself, and you'll save a bundle! You can choose from over 90 cool custom HotCoat colors now available for the system. If you wish to duplicate your carb's original finish, and you're having difficulty determining the original color, many times you can carefully examine mating surfaces during disassembly and determine the correct finish.
Duplicating a Bronze/Green Carb Finish
If upon disassembly you notice a green tint in the carb plating it is likely dichromate. We have found that to achieve the correct bronze/green dichromate color a 50/50 mix of HotCoat Translucent Green and Gold powder is required. The mixture of these two colors will result in a bronze finish that's tinted green that matches the Rochester, Carter and Holley brands of carbs. Approximately 4 tablespoons of Translucent Green and 4 tablespoons of Gold thoroughly mixed together in the powder coating gun cup will do the trick.Duplicating a Bronze Carb Finish
If, when you examine the disassembled carburetor, you find the plating does not have a green tint, use the HotCoat Gold powder to attain a like-new bronze carb finish. The gold powder duplicates Eastwood's Bronze Carb Renew 2. It also matches most Holley two- and four-barrel applications (particularly Holley model 4150).Duplicating a Silver Carb Finish
We've found that the Cast Aluminum powder is best for re-creating a silver look because it is a matte finish, which is closer to the correct original finish.Creating a Custom Carb Color
Naturally, you can use any of the available colors to protect and beautify your carb. Whichever powder you select, you will need to follow these step-by-step instructions to help achieve professional quality results.Carburetor Powder Coat Prep
- 1) Completely disassemble the carb, removing all gaskets, seals and plastic floats.
- 2) Your main components once the carb is disassembled are: throttle body, air horn, base and float bowls.
- 3) Linkage components can be powder coated with HotCoat's Stamped Steel powder.
- 4) Remember, only the metal components of the carb can be powder coated.
- 5) Other options for refinishing carb parts include using Detail Gray Paint or Eastwood's Tin-Zinc Electroplating System.
- 6) All components to be powder coated must be thoroughly cleaned with PRE Painting Prep.
- 7) Allow parts to dry once all contaminants are removed.
- 8) Pre-heat parts in a non-food oven for 20 minutes at 400°F. This will drive all contaminants, hidden in the pores of the metal, to the surface.
- 9) Remove parts from the oven and allow to cool. Clean again using a clean rag along with PRE Painting Prep. Repeat this preheating and cleaning procedure until neither dirt nor residue shows on a clean rag.
- 10) Burnish the surface of the components with a nylon scuff pad to produce an even finish.
- 11) Again clean the components with PRE Painting Prep.
- 12) Using High-Temp Silicone Plugs or High-Temp Fiberglass Tape (1/2 inch or 1 inch widths), and aluminum foil, mask-off and plug all critical threaded holes, metering ports, gasket surfaces and throttle body venturi surfaces.
- 13) Your carb components are now ready for powder coating.
- 14) Suspend parts from your oven rack as stated in the HotCoat instruction manual.
- 15) Follow the HotCoat instruction manual for applying the powder and curing.