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Custom Paint for Cars

In a sea of copycat automobiles, yours will be a true original when it has Eastwood custom automotive paint. These additives and enhancers can be added to our topcoats, single-stage paints and other auto finishes to help the final product stand apart from the rest. You don’t have to be a professional painter to use our custom car paint, either — simply mix and apply using our DIY paint equipment. Turn your street rod, low rider, rat rod or custom into a head-turning machine with these one-of-a-kind paints.

Auto Paint Additives & Top Coats

We have more than a dozen paint flakes and pearls to choose from when creating your finish. Custom Super Flake paints are made of aluminum, giving them a metallic sparkle. They are the easier of the two to mix and apply. Pearlescent paints use mica flake which gives it more of a shimmering effect. Some pearls also have color-shifting properties. Colors range from basic black, white and silver to bold tones such as Tangerine Dream Orange and Speeding Ticket Red. We even offer two-tone flake mixtures.

Whichever particle you choose, Metalli-Flow Paint Enhancer will improve the results. This stabilizer mixes with Eastwood single-stage urethanes at 3:1:1 to lock flakes/pearls in place and help them spray more evenly. If you want to really give your car a sweet sheen, use Eastwood Candeez translucent paints. These “tinted clears” are applied over a base coat which is most often white or metallic silver — and the effect changes depending on the base color.

Affordable DIY Paint

Eastwood has competitive prices and a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee on custom paint solutions. With a growing network of Eastwood retail stores from coast to coast, there’s a great chance you can find Eastwood custom auto paint near you. Read more about the types of hot rod paint at the Eastwood Garage.

Get Wild with Flakes and Pearls!

Make your paint job to stand out from the crowd with Eastwood’s flake and pearl additives and Candeez paints. Let your imagination run wild and create a one-off custom paint job. Eastwood’s custom paints and additives are easy to use. You can even combine flakes, pearls and Candeez to make intricate designs, as found on top customs and lowriders.

  • Pro Tip: When spraying Single Stage Metallic and Pearl Paints, you can improve appearance by using the special additive Metalli-Flow Metallic Paint Enhancer to help lock and stabilize metallic and pearl particles for a perfect finish.

  • Pro Tip: When spraying Single Stage Metallic and Pearl Paints, you can improve appearance by using the special additive Metalli-Flow Metallic Paint Enhancer to help lock and stabilize metallic and pearl particles for a perfect finish.