Paint Guns & Equipment

Paint Guns & Equipment

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Auto Painting Equipment and Supplies

Make Eastwood your automotive paint supply store so you're prepared for anything a project might bring. Painting a car is a major job, so having the proper auto paint supplies and painting equipment on hand is essential if you want to produce truly professional results. We're an authorized dealer of top automotive equipment manufacturers and have also developed an assortment of paint and body supplies. Whether you're topping up on masking supplies or putting together a DIY car paint kit from scratch, our experts will help you Do the Job Right.

A Complete Auto Body Paint Supply Solution

Eastwood is one of North America's biggest car paint suppliers — and we stock all the equipment you need to get that paint from the can to the vehicle. Your most important projects start with any of Eastwood's best paint guns, which include famous brands like DeVilbiss and Binks plus our own Concours and Evolution models. Then select from our car paint supplies that include paint mixers, brushes, painter's files, aerosol spray gun, color matches and more. For car body painting, you'll want to choose from our wide selection of masking supplies that prevent unwanted spillover. Many paints contain potentially harmful chemicals, so make sure to wear personal protective and safety supplies. Respirators, head socks, gloves and coveralls protect you from start to finish.

Since 1978, we have been a DIY auto paint supply leader. For even better results, shop our must-have paint accessories that include prep wipes, pneumatic paint shakers, body filler, air filters and touch-up applicators. All products have a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee and a generous return policy. If you're a first-time painter, read our frequently asked questions and other resource materials below so you know what to expect. Painting experts are available seven days a week by phone, email and live chat to answer your questions.

Eastwood Automotive Paint FAQ

How long after painting a car can you drive it?

A few weeks after painting your car. No one likes seeing an orange peel texture, cracking or peeling, but exposing your vehicle to the environment right after a fresh paint job can do just that.

Some auto enthusiasts recommend keeping your freshly painted car in the garage for at least a month, but at the same time, you need to be realistic. You need to get places, so you'll have to take your car out on occasion.

While there's no definite period, consider the following points:

• New paint takes at least 24 hours after application to cure, so avoid taking your car out of the garage during this time, and definitely avoid washing it.

• Auto paint can take anywhere from 30 to 60 days to fully cure and adhere to the vehicle. During this period, as the paint matures, only take your car out in fair weather days — no extreme sun and no rain — and use it just for short trips.

Should you take it out, aspects like recently paved roads, debris, tree sap and bird droppings won't just mar the paint. They will also cause it to crack easier and can affect the clear coat. Furthermore, extreme temperatures — be it hot or cold — can create adhesion issues during the curing process, so be sure to keep your car sheltered and ideally in a controlled environment during this period. Here's what else you should factor in when caring for a recent paint job.

How do I properly spray paint my car?

DIY auto painting projects are a multistep process. You'll start by stripping or sanding the old paint off. Then you'll apply primer, the base coat and the clear coat. You also need to think about rust patches — you can't just paint over them — and cleaning off debris and moisture to avoid texture and adhesion issues. In between, because you'll be handling solvents and using a paint gun, you need to adequately protect yourself against the chemicals in the air.

To start, carve out a block of time to paint your car. Then, be sure to have the following:

• Protective gear, including safety glasses and a fresh air respirator system or a mask with a multi-stage filter. We also recommend a paint suit to protect your clothing.

Sanding supplies, including 1200- and 2000-grit wet-and-dry sandpaper and an electric sander, unless you plan to do the job by hand.

• Masking tape

Air compressor or paint gun

• Paint thinner

• Mixing equipment

• Auto paint

As a rule, if you're planning to repaint a small- to medium-sized vehicle, have one gallon of base coat available and one gallon of primer plus two to three gallons of clear coat. For a larger vehicle, have 1.5 gallons of base coat ready and three to four gallons of clear coat. Before starting, be sure to match the paint to your car's color by looking for the color code or VIN number.

Learn more about how to get started with painting your car.

What is a good paint gun for beginners?

Paint guns come in two basic types. Low volume low pressure (LVLP) spray guns emit a stream of paint at a lower pressure. These are easier to control and need less force to use but will require more time to get the look you desire. Purely based on usability, LVLP paint guns are a good starter option.

Eventually, you want to work your way up to a high volume low pressure (HVLP) gun, designed to use less pressure while delivering more paint. These allow you to complete the job in less time but tend to be more cumbersome for beginners.

A third option is a turbine paint system, which is a self-contained option that utilizes a turbine motor to compress the air.

Along with these attributes, think about the needle nozzle. Be sure to have at least a 1.2-1.4 for the base coat/clear coat and 1.7-2.0 for the primer.


Painting your own car.

Tips for painting wheels.

What is needed to paint your car.

Basics steps of painting your car.

Best ways to sand large panels.

How to prep a car for paint.

How to care for a fresh paint job.

Paint gun spray tip sizes.

What size air compressor is need to paint a car.

Must have paint supplies for spraying a car.